Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Root Beer - the ancestor of Kaliber?

About 20 years before Kaliber was invented, a schoolfriend of mine mentioned - we were about 10 at the time - that his mother was buying him some root beer. Beer? Now, admittedly, another friend was nicking cider  from the stockroom of his parents' off-licence and we'd go and get hammered among the gorse bushes on Grange Hill....But beer? I couldn't conceive, with the exception of ginger beer, of non-alcoholic beer.

This, from Everyday Goodness, sounds a really good (trade) deal:
Cases of 24 bottles, each bottle is 355 ml.
Offer price 24 x £0.72  = £ 20.74 including VAT per case.
10-30 cases, £10 for carriage .
>31 cases,  £free delivery.

Posters available for Point of Sales advertising.