Tuesday 8 February 2011

Greene King's Food Fare

 Greene King make lovely beer - I have very happy, if rather hazy, memories of quaffing copious amounts of Abbot Ale from the wood in the Marie Lloyd Luncheon Club* back in my college days. From local brewer in the 1970s, the company has come a long, long way - but I couldn't help feeling rather uninspired by the relaunched "Food Made Easy" package for their tenants and lessees.
Morning Advertiser, 4th February 2011

* Don't be fooled by the posh name - the M-L, as it was colloquially called, was not known for its food but, for a fiver a year, offered the opportunity to carry on drinking through the afternoon when our archaic licensing laws forced the pubs to close at 3pm.
A favourite haunt of trade union officials,  I blame my Sociology lecturers - Penri Griffiths in particular, for corrupting me. (Ahem!)